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Friday, 22 May 2015

Congratulations to the the children who received certificates in Good Work Assembly this week.
Elisha received a Music Certificate for wonderful participation. Abdullahi, Sufain and Uzayr received an Excellence Certificate in Topic for writing an outstanding letter applying for a position as a Maya priest.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Cadbury World Trip

5.2 are currently studying the Mayan Civilisation in Topic this term and have been to Cadbury World on Monday18th and Tuesday 19th.

We all had a wonderful time! Not only did we learn lots but we managed to eat lots of chocolate!
Finding out about the origins of chocolate.
The Maya produced some amazing art work.

Finding out about the history of  Cadbury and Bournville.

Entering the time tunnel to see the development of chocolate throughout the years.

On the Cadabra ride.

Time to taste  liquid chocolate!!!
Liquid chocolate with  chocolate buttons and fudge !!! (Even more chocolate!!!)
Even time for Mrs McGeary to try some chocolate!

A shoe made out of pure chocolate. The detail was very intricate.

Time to have a lesson on Maya History.
A codex unravelled.

Cocoa beans in a pod.

Group photo of the girls.

Everyone is having fun!

Get ready for an amazing 4D experience.

Group photo!